Royal Outfit of the Day: Meghan's Wedding Birthday | WEDDING DRESSES PLUS -->


Royal Outfit of the Day: Meghan's Wedding Birthday

The Duchess of Sussex celebrated her birthday over the weekend by attending the wedding of Charlie van Straubenzee and Daisy Jenks with Prince Harry.

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That'll do! I know some people love to clutch those pearls about a darker color at a wedding, but...meh. This dress seems so lightweight - at least it has great movement through the pleated skirt in all the pictures - it's 100% summer to me. The color blocking does enough to keep the color light. Anyway, any day Harry leaves the butter yellow waistcoat behind is a good day.

Club Monaco

Princess Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank were also there.

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And...that'll also do, I guess! Pretty basic there. I see we've got plenty of members of #TeamShades, that's always a plus. Even #TeamFunkyShades for Eugenie. (Funky only on a royal scale, mind you.)